After the travails of the previous couple of days and having to rip up and reset the floor I have some better news to impart.
First we have our first employee and rather appropriately his name is First. First will be the Assistant Manager at the pub so plenty of reponsibility. He comes from a hospitality background as his family owns restaurants. He is also a marketing expert and a very confident chap who I think will fit in very well and make a major contribution to the business. Welcome to the team First.
After all your helpful comments and opinions we have been working on the logo and have settled on the one pictured above. The oonly downside, as Simon pointed out is the large amount of white space above the word which is certain situations will make the logo difficult to use. Howver when we need a solid shape we will just retain the elephant and drop the word. So another bridge is crossed.
We have decided to put back the opening date until sometime between Christmas and New Year. This is not because of terrible slippage on the building schedule but to give us more time to get things right, employ some staff and have a nice Christmas which is one time when we will miss being in England.