You have probably gathered from the blog title that we are going to call the bar Tuskers.
Well those of you who know us will be aware of our personal elephant connection and those that don't can have a look at our conservation work at EleAid. Big bull tuskers are evocative, powerful and noble animals and it seemed an appropriate name. In addition the elephant is a national symbol of Thailand and we want the place to have a real connection with Thailand rather than just be another British pub abroad.
We had originally chosen the Elephant's Footprint which we thought was original and quirky but in Thailand the feet are considered the lowest part of the body and Thai friends advised against it. It was Rachel that came up with Tuskers and we prefer it.
The next stage is to get a logo together. One designer came up with the one pictured but we have rejected it as it is not really what we are looking for. Another designer should be coming back to us with some ideas in the coming week.