Months and months and months of searching have finally born fruit and premises for what will hopefully be Chiang Mai's best bar have been located.
I am a long way behind on updating you so despite the fact that it is a good old story; involving evil Americans, dishonest companies, drugged up hookers and the like I will just summarise by saying we have bought a guesthouse after a few difficulties. Actually it was, what in this part of the world is known as a short time room place or in a more honest vernacular a good old fashioned brothel.
I've always wanted one you know but this place was just too close to the gutter. In fact it was the gutter so we have decided that it must be replace by something where decent folk can imbibe beverages and graze on decent fodder.
How the story will unfold over the coming weeks, months and year no one can know but we do know it begins here. . . . .
More pictures of the delapidated brothel are available here