Well the termite terminator has moved in and has succeeded in tunnelling out a huge wadge of semi digested structural wood. Luckily Ek manged to engage his services at 20% of the orginal price quoted. Despite the discount rate he seems to know his isopteras!
The bar is fully bricked now with traditional handmade bricks and looks awesome. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture so you will have to wait until next time.
Gibbon man has been scampering around on the roof beams again and has almost finished welding the roof structure in place. There was a bit of a problem when it was discovered that the two buildings being joined by the same roof didn't meet but somehow Badgitt and Legitt have manged to adapt, improvise and overcome.
The Heineken rep finally showed up today (still no sign of the Beer Chang rep - does no one want to sell beer in this city?) and wouldn't you know it they use a cooler that is 5cm taller than the one I was given and it won't fit under the bar. It will be the same problem with Beer Chang the rep tells me. So I am faced with a dilemma either stock Singha and Leo beer whose cooler will fit ort stick with my original solution.
Ek typically offers a novel solution has the solution. Yesterday we were raising floors today he proposes to tunnel out the extra space we need. I like the symmetry so we will adopt his idea.
The outside funiture and catering equipment is all on order now. Next I really need to start looking at the AV/entertainment side.
It never stops!
The roofing structure being put in place. More pics in the next couple of days.