So far so good as far as the builders are concerned. They are really pushing on with the project and advancing on several fronts.
The bar is starting to come together. At the moment it looks like if has been built for giants on account of the fact that the decking will raise the floor level by 40cm. Today we went and chose the hard wood for the bar top and back bar. I've always liked my wood and we have chosen something called Bajan at quarter of the price of teak - looks the nuts.
The kitchen has been tiled and a counter put in. There was a bit of a comedy moment when the metal counter frame wouldn't go through the door and had to be sawed in half. Given that i had consulted them at length about whether the freezer I want to buy will fit through the door you would think they would have considered that. Mai pen rai!
I have almost decided on what catering equipment I want. Pricey but it is professional gear and I think it will be worth it in the long run. Will probably take the plunge on Monday.
We have also been looking at outdoor furniture and having looked at loads of stuff think we have settled on a some chunky, hard wood stuff in a rustic style. They are putting some samples together of bar stools and then I will make the final decision.
Progress is being made.
Just the one pic today (of the kitchen) nothing else exciting to show.