The Tuskers project is proceeding at a distinctly un-Thai pace- ie record time.
We got a number of builders to quote for the job forcing them to move quickly if they wanted the job. Out of four two firms were very good and quite close together i=on price so in the end it came down to personal preference. Khun Ek and Khun Pad are immensely likeable guys who have been highly recommended and seem to know their onions, although it can be quite tricky to tell as they can’t speak any English and our Thai is still in the ‘what do you like to eat?’ stage. Anyway they look to be good lads and have agreed to a pretty punitive contract in terms of late delivery so they have been appointed builders in chief.
Within hours they have got men on site and there is plenty of destruction afoot The old bar has had the sledgehammer treatment and the upstairs of Building A has had the cheap, nasty partitions removed. Alas lurking behind the wall are all kinds of nasties, in this case termites, not ideal residents in a wooden structure! The little buggers have eaten away at the structural timbers, quite badly in some places. I’m no expert but when a piece of 4x2 crumbles in your hand it can’t be terribly good! Luckily Ek and Pad seem unperturbed by this development. They inform me the timber framing around the partitions can be used to replace the eaten wood and a quick visit from the local termite terminator should fix the pest situation. As crises go it’s a tiddler.
The good news is that when the bamboo matting was removed it revealed some lovely exposed wooden plank that will be a great feature in the pub. I love wood and once this stuff is waxed and varnished it should look the nuts.
More pics here